Simple to operate and fully Trade Approved price-computing retail scales that are both compact and robust in construction. They have display panels both front and rear and are available with or without scoop pan in both flat plate and tower style versions. They have an internal rechargeable battery enabling use away from mains power. This highly capable machine offers all the functions your business needs. Capacity 15 Kg.
WARNING: Transactions based on product weight MUST use a 'Trade Approved' scale with certification and markings showing this to comply with Trading Standards. Beware of scales currently being offered online for retail use that are NOT so marked as they will NOT be legal for trade use.
Large easy-to-use keys on a wipe clean keyboard.
Highly visible backlit displays for both vendor and customer.
12 Hot-Shot keys for fast moving items.
Switchable price base - either per Kilogram or per 100 grams
Tare, Zero & Price Fix facilities
High quality stainless steel weighplate.
Operates from mains or internal rechargeable battery - up to 80 hours per charge.
Overall sizes (W x D): Flat plate model 326 x 354mm, Tower model 326 x 411mm.